PORA! 23.06. “Инклюзия для детей с нарушенным слухом”

Мы рады пригласить вас на  форум-дискуссию “Инклюзия для детей с нарушенным слухом” 23 июня. Зарегистрироваться на Форум-дискуссию ПОРА! 23.06. “Инклюзия для детей с нарушенным слухом” Начало: 23 июня в 16.00 по Берлину /17.00 по Киеву / 17.00 по Москве / 18.00 по Еревану / 20.00 по Бишкеку
Язык: английский, перевод на русский
Участие: бесплатно

Лектор – Леона Пейчарова, мать двоих детей с двусторонней имплантацией и председатель Ассоциации пользователей кохлеарной имплантации Чешской Республики (SUKI). В период с 2017 по 2021 год она возглавляла проект «Учитесь на опыте», направленный на содействие инклюзивности детей с нарушениями слуха. Благодаря участию в EURO-CIU, CIICA и WHF ВОЗ она следит за ситуацией в мире в сфере людей с нарушениями слуха и стремится сделать SUKI профессиональной, чтобы она могла полностью посвятить себя поддержке пользователей кохлеарных имплантатов в Чешской Республике.

Запись вебинара 26.05. с Леоной

Презентация в pdf

PORA! 23.06. “Inclusion for children with hearing impairments”

We would like to invite you to the PORA! Forum-Discusion
«Inclusion for children with hearing impairments» on June 23 with Leona Pejcharová.

The presenter is Mgr. Leona Pejcharová, mother of two bilaterally implanted children and chairwoman of the Association of Cochlear Implant Users Czech Republic (SUKI). Between 2017 and 2021 she led the project  “Understand through Experience” aimed at promoting inclusion of children with hearing impairment. Thanks to her involvement in EURO-CIU, CIICA and WHF WHO she monitors the situation in the world in the field of people with hearing impairment and strives to professionalize SUKI so that she can fully devote herself to supporting cochlear implant users in the Czech Republic.

Registration PORA! Forum-Discussion «Inclusion for children with hearing impairments 23.06. at 16.00 CET (Berlin time)
Participation is free
Language: English, translation into Russian

The recording of webinar on 26.05. with Leona

Presentation  as pdf

ПОРА! 9.06. «Эффективное консультирование для педагогов и родителей детей с кохлеарными имплантами: взгляд с точки зрения пользователя КИ».

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в вебинаре ПОРА! на тему «Эффективное консультирование для педагогов и родителей детей с кохлеарными имплантами: взгляд с точки зрения пользователя КИ».
Тобиас Фишер проведет презентацию на основе результатов опроса среди родителей детей с КИ и взрослых пользователей КИ. Он поделится своими ценными наблюденими и ответит на ваши вопросы. Спикер: Тобиас Фишер (Австрия)
– пользователь КИ уже 35 лет!
– президент ÖCIG (Австрийское общество кохлеарной имплантации)
– 1й вице-президент EURO-CIU (Европейская Ассоциация пользователей КИ)


Профиль Тобиас Фишер

PORA! 9.06. „Effektive Beratung für Therapeuten und Eltern von Kindern mit CI aus der Sicht eines CI-Trägers“

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, an unserem PORA! Webinar zum Thema „Effektive Beratung für Therapeuten und Eltern von Kindern mit CI aus der Sicht eines CI-Trägers” teilzunehmen.
Tobias Fischer wird eine Präsentation auf Basis der Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Eltern von Kindern mit CI und erwachsenen CI-Trägern halten. Er wird seine wertvollen Erkenntnisse teilen und Ihre Fragen beantworten.

Sprecher: Tobias Fischer (Österreich)

  • CI-Träger seit 35 Jahren!
  • Präsident der ÖCIG (Österreichische Cochlea Implantat Gesellschaft)
  • 1.Vizepräsident der EURO-CIU (Europäische Vereinigung der CI-Nutzer)
Profile Tobias Fisher

PORA! 26.05. “Inclusion for children with hearing impairments”

Dear specialists,

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming webinar on May 26th, focused on practical strategies for teachers working with children who have hearing impairments (HI). This session aims to provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to create an inclusive and supportive educational environment for these students.

The presenter is Mgr. Leona Pejcharová, mother of two bilaterally implanted children and chairwoman of the Association of Cochlear Implant Users Czech Republic (SUKI). Between 2017 and 2021 she led the project  “Understand through Experience” aimed at promoting inclusion of children with hearing impairment. Thanks to her involvement in EURO-CIU, CIICA and WHF WHO she monitors the situation in the world in the field of people with hearing impairment and strives to professionalize SUKI so that she can fully devote herself to supporting cochlear implant users in the Czech Republic.

Presentation  as pdf

Topics Covered:

1. Understanding Hearing Impairment (HI):

  • Key facts about children with HI
  • Challenges faced by HI students in mainstream schools

2. Classroom Strategies:

  • Effective teaching methods for HI students
  • Adjustments and accommodations to enhance learning

3. Creating a Supportive Educational Environment:

  • Modifying the physical classroom setup
  • Utilizing technology and resources to aid communication
Learn from Experience

This program from SUKI is a part of a three-year research project funded by the European Union, which involves collaboration with 16 teachers to develop educational and instructional materials specifically for HI students. These materials include leaflets, animations, videos, books, lecture plans, worksheets, and e-learning modules.

About the Project

The SUKI project focuses on the inclusion of hearing-impaired children aged 6-12 in mainstream basic schools. We aim to equip teachers with the resources to better understand and respond to the needs of their students with HI. The materials we have developed are designed to be easily applicable in lessons, helping to create a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

What You Will Gain:

  • Insight into the latest research on HI inclusion
  • Access to practical resources and instructional materials
  • Strategies for creating an inclusive classroom environment

PORA! 17.03 “Parents consulting and the role of parents”

We would like to invite you to the  PORA! Webinar on March 17 with specialists from Spain and Portugal.

Eulalia Juan: speech and language patologist SLP-CCC, audiologist, AVT,
Isabel Monteiro
psychology and SLP specialist, AVT,
Pedro Bras da Silva specialist in listening and spoken language Specialist (LSLS), AVT.

During our previous meeting, we delved into the role and models of parent-child interaction, emphasizing five simple yet significant steps known as Brain-Building SERVE & RETURN. We explored strategies to enhance the quality of communication and expand a child’s active vocabulary. In this upcoming webinar, our focus will be on the parent´s role on building brains from the emotional bond and joy of this parent-child interaction.

You can watch the presentation  and recording of the last meeting.

PORA! 03.03 Forum-Discussion with Nicole da Rocha

We would like to invite you to the PORA! Forum-Discussion on March 3rd with Nicole da Rocha. We will discuss various aspects of using the website, particularly the application of rehabilitation materials for children and adults with hearing impairments.

The lecturer, Nicole da Rocha, is a speech therapist with a certification in Auditory-Verbal Therapy (AVT), a clinical audiologist, and a specialist in alternative communication from the UK.

Our discussion topics will include:

  • Assessing the usability of the website;
  • Practical advice on applying the provided materials in rehabilitation practice;
  • Addressing typical challenges and ways to overcome them;
  • Opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from the expert.

We are confident that this will be an interesting and fruitful experience for all participants. Join us and share your expertise!
Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you at the forum-discussion!


Presentation as PDF download

Free to access! For professionals, families & individuals who are supporting, or are themselves, Deaf / Hard of Hearing


  • myHearingGuide
  • The Listening Room
  • Musical Atmospheres
  • SoundSuccess
  • BabyBeats

PORA! 18.02. Parents organizations

We will be featuring a discussion on the creation and significance of parent associations for individuals raising children with hearing loss. The session will explore the motivations behind establishing these associations, their goals, achievements, and the challenges they encounter.
Our esteemed speakers for this session are:
Ekaterina Tortladze (Georgia)
Luzine Stepanyan (Armenia)
Asel Mayrambekova (Kyrgyzstan)

PORA! 4.02. «Material for therapy sessions for children with CI»

Nicole da Rocha, speech therapist, AVT, clinical audiology from the UK, will be conducting a webinar on February 4. She will enlighten us about the array of online materials available for rehabilitation and the various ways to incorporate them effectively. Additionally, we have scheduled a forum discussion for March 3rd.


Nicole ‘s training and experience has been focused in early intervention and her therapeutic approach is transdisciplinary, child lead with family centred care. She has over 15 years of clinical experience with further qualifications in multilingual speech acquisition, AAC (augmentative alternative communication), AVT (auditory verbal therapy) and am also Hanen certified.

She currently works for Advanced Bionics, a cochlear implant manufacturer as international consumer excellence manager. She supports families and professionals with the process of receiving cochlear implants and getting the brain acclimatised to sound.

“My heart passion is for communication, I hold the belief that communication is what makes us human. It is a privilege to work with the Deaf and hard of hearing community, and to work in this field to provide solutions for communication.”


other materials:

Read more

PORA! 17.12.2023: Topics and conferences 2024

We cordially invite you to join us for our final webinar of 2023 featuring Dr. Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany.
During this session, we will present an overview of upcoming topics for 2024 and highlight conferences across various countries focusing on audiology and rehabilitation after Cochlear Implantation.
Your input is valuable to us, and we would like to learn about the topics you find most interesting for our webinars in 2024.
Feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues. We look forward to your participation!

Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem letzten Webinar 2023 mit Dr. Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany ein. Während dieser Sitzung werden wir einen Überblick über die kommenden Themen für 2024 geben und Konferenzen in verschiedenen Ländern hervorheben, die sich auf Audiologie und Rehabilitation nach Cochlea-Implantation konzentrieren. Ihr Input ist für uns wertvoll und wir würden gerne mehr über die Themen erfahren, die Sie für unsere Webinare im Jahr 2024 am interessantesten finden.
Teilen Sie diese Einladung gerne mit Ihren Kollegen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beteiligung!